Thursday, April 20, 2006

Instead of a Small Business Loan get a Business Cash Advance!

If you are having trouble getting a small business loan you might want to try a Business Cash Advance!

There is a new breed of financing available for the small business owner that is taking the nation by storm. It is competing with the old small business loan and has a greater approval rate (Almost 90%) a shorter approval timeframe (7-10 days) and because of it's simplicity (Usually about 3 forms) and this is just to name a few.

It is called a
Business Cash Advance. There is no need for tax returns, business plans, collateral, and credit scores are not really and issue. And the number one recipient of these Business Cash Advances is restaurants which in the past were vitually untouchable.

All that is required for a business cash advance is that the merchant accepts Visa and MasterCard at their business. The business cash advance is an advance against future credit card sales. It is very simple and very easy to get approved. There are different programs now that allow even those businesses that have been in business for less than a year to get access to working capital that before was unavailable.

If you accept Visa and Mastercard and need some extra working capital then this is a great way to get an influx of extra cash that may not have been available in the past. Find out more...

If you don't currently accept Visa or Mastercard but would like to get set up you can find out more information here.

Suggested Sites:

Small Business Loan
Small Business Working Capital
Restaurant Loan
Business Loans

Financing Commercial Property with Mortgage Loans

Although each lending institution has specific loan-application guidelines, they all evaluate business mortgages on two critical factors: the financial strength and stability of the borrower and the economic feasibility of the project.

You need to consult with a qualified commercial mortgage banker or experienced real estate finance professional before applying for a loan, but there are a few common questions small business owners can ask before they begin the process:

Where does the money come from? The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers a variety of mortgage programs administered through local and regional commercial banks. These programs finance new and existing properties, furniture and other assets. Additional sources include commercial banks, insurance companies and conduit lenders. Real estate portals such as PikeNet and LoopNet can also help you find financing and capital.

How much cash does it take? The down payment required to purchase property varies with each lender. To receive an SBA-secured loan, you must put down at least 10 percent of the purchase price. Commercial banks, conduits and insurance companies generally require you to put down a minimum of 15 percent.

How is the loan structured? Experts advise business owners to keep the mortgage separate from their primary business. In other words, form a separate business entity to lease the building to the operating company. Be wary of recourse loans: If you default on them, the note holder can seize the property and sue you for repayment.

What do I need? When applying for a mortgage, be prepared to show at least five years of operating statements. The terms and amount of the loan will be tied to the strength and stability of your business. The only way most banks will lend to companies less than five years old is if they can offer a substantial down payment.

Suggested Sites:

mortgage loan commercial

Penso que para que os artistas vindos de seriados possam ter seu potencial melhorado, devam, no mínimo, cursar aulas de teatro para perder aqueles terríveis vícios de interpretação. Infelizmente, vivemos em tempos quando a beleza impera e basta. Portanto, torçamos para que eles tenham um diretor excepcional que os guie na retirada desses ridículos trejeitos de pessoas de faz-de-conta e os transformem em pessoas reais diante das câmeras de cinema.